
Cork Dog

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Cork Dog, A Junk Automata to make from simple bits and card.

Download the file with templates, parts and instructions to make your own Junk Automata Dog.

Have fun!

The download includes:


Fully illustrated instructions for construction ready to print out.


Cutting List

Complete list of all the materials you will need to make the Cork Dog.



Full size templates for the various stirring-stick and paper-clip parts.


Cutter  Files

Files for cutting machines in both dfx and svg format. [clearboth]

The Cork Dog is a Junk Automata made from bits and pieces you can find around the home. Add a few card parts, bend, fold and glue and soon you will have your own crank based best friend! With a bit of ingenuity, you can use this mechanism as the starting point for your own automata designs. Woof woof!