Become a Member! £ € $
I’m pretty sure I’ve sorted out the problem that stopped you buying a membership last week. Hurry along to the website and sign up now! 🙂
As a member you can download dozens and dozens and dozens for paper project, laser cut projects and even some 3d printed projects all for free! Visit the shop to see all the kits waiting for you to download.
I’m pleased to announce that membership prices are now available in £UK and €Euros as well as the existing $US
Price are currently:
$30 / £21.50 / €24.50 for one year
You can save roughly 5% by signing up for a recurring subscription
$28.50 / £20.50 / €23.50 recurring annual subscription
Find out more on the membership page here
Upcoming Projects:
Check out the website for information about some upcoming projects.
I’m excited to say that I have a Barking Dog paper automata project in this month’s HackSpace magazine! Find out more at here. | Laser Cut Camel – coming soon! Find out more and see an Instagram video of the late state prototype in action by visiting the website here. |
Subscribe Now and Save!Fantastic value at only $30 a year for access to all the downloadable projects on! Hurry along to sign up below. Become a member of now Thank you! |
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