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The Fluttering Butterfly is a pendulum powered model to download, print out and make. Any slight movement of the model make the wings tremble and flap. Members can download the model at the link for free. Non-members can download the parts for a small fee.
There are three pages of parts. Print out page one and two onto thin card. (230 gram/230 micron) notice that page two has a front and a back. Print out one side, flip the card over and print the other. Page three is the same but should be printed onto thin photocopier paper (80 gram)
Score the dotted lines then carefully cut out the parts.

The finished model.

Fold the bottom of the pendulum up and glue it into place.

Fold the pendulum in half and glue it at ninety degrees.

Glue the paper hinge into place on the grey area.

Glue the two linkages to the pendulum. Notice that the linkages fit between the grey lines (arrowed)

You’ll need four coins of approx. 25mm diameters. Wrap the coin holders round the two pairs of coins. Glue the coins to the end of the pendulum.

Fold the ends round and glue them down to make triangular sections.

Repeat the process with the front and back of the box.

Glue the front, back and sides to the box base as shown.

Fold the box up and glue it together.

Fold up the flaps from the base and glue it to the inside of the box.

Glue the paper hinge to the box. Make sure that the glue is completely dry before you let the hinge take the full weight of the coins.

Fold up the wing stand.

Glue on the paper hinges.

Glue the two triangular wing bases to the paper hinge.

Glue the wing stand to the box.

Glue the linkages to the wing bases.

Glue the smaller of the leaf stands into place.

Fit the leaf over the wing stand and glue it to the small leaf stand. Make sure that the leaf doesn’t catch on any of the moving parts.

Glue the larger leaf stand to the side of the box in the position shown.

Glue the two lower wings into place. Make sure that the roots of the wings are very close together but not quite touching each other. Less than a millimetre apart would be perfect. Don’t let them touch though or they might bind as the wings move.

Glue the top pair of wings into place.

Complete the model by gluing the antennae to the bottom surface of the wing bases.

Once complete, present the model to your true love. Awww!

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