Paper Animals In Action Giveaway.


Your chance to win a copy of my new book!

Three New Subscribers. Sign up for an annual membership for a chance to win one of three books. I’ll pick three winners from anyone who signs up between now and 15th October

Three Existing Subscribers. If you are already a member and you are interested in winning one of the books, drop me a message via the contact page and I’ll add your name to the hat. Thanks for being a member!

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How Pistons Work

New on the Mechanisms section on the website.

The latest addition to Mechanisms Section on the website is this piston mechanism.

Find out how pistons work then make your own!

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Become a member of now to access dozen and dozens of amazing paper projects for free! is made possible entirely by the support of members and shoppers. I literally couldn’t run the site without you.

Thank you!

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t. 01900 814333