New Look Website!

Check out the updated website! I’ve been working hard over the last month upgrading the site and making sure everything is up to date. There is a blog post about the process here.

It is something of a work in progress. Please do check out the site and let me know if there is anything else you need, anything that needs fixing or anything that you love about the new site.

Important Note for Existing Subscribers.

If you are an existing subscriber your subscription rate will not change. You will remain at the same subscription rate for as long as you remain subscribed. Find out more here.

For new subscribers there is a simpler single subscription rate. This will give you unfettered access to all the projects on the site. Over 600 of them! If you prefer you can purchase individual kits from the website.

I do hope you like the upgraded website, please do let me know what you think!

Keyboard Kat – Download and Make!

Keyboard Kat! Turn the handle and the cat tickles the ivories whilst nodding along to the beat. Members and Patrons can download the parts for free from the website. Non-members can join in the fun for £2.50 / $3.75

Click here to see the model in animated action on my Instagram feed.

More info…

Patreon and Membership

There are two main ways to support and get access to the downloadable models, you can become a member or you can be a patron.

Thanks very much to all the patrons and members that are already supporting me. I really appreciate it!

Become a Patron | Sign up for Membership 

Some recent of the paper projects available for patrons and members to download for free.

Ice Lolly Triceratops Mesh Gear Guard Dog

Become a Member of

• Download hundreds of amazing paper projects for free.
• Download project instruction pages as a pdf for printing.

Only $49.95 / £34.95 a year! What a fantastic bargain!

Become a member of now! is made possible entirely by the support of members and shoppers. I literally couldn’t run the site without you. Thank you!

Find Out More Here… || Snake..

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Broughton Moor
t. 01900 814333