Caption Competition!
Your chance to win a completed Papersausrus T. Rex model. Visit my Facebook page and write a caption for the T Rex picture. The caption with the most 'likes' when I've completed the model (approx one week) will win a made up model shipped out to them anywhere in the world!

You can follow the development of the T Rex project here.

CD Price Going up Tomorrow!
At the end of the month the Royal Mail are increasing their prices by around 30%  So from the 1st May I'll be charging a fixed £2.95 ($4.50) for shipping out the ricomplete CD. Until then you can order it with free world wide shipping here.

The ricomplete CD ROM contains every project from Every download (including instruction pages), every e-book, every collection. That's dozens and dozens and dozens of projects all instantly accessible on your computer. Order yours here.



Members get free access to all the projects that are produced during their membership. With eight new downloads already in 2012 this is amazing value.
Standard Membership is now only $14.95 USD / £9.95 UKP yearly.
Membership Plus is amazing value at only $ 44.95 USD / £29.95 UKP yearly.

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Broughton Moor
t. 01900 814333