Paper Safe on YouTube.

I posted the YouTube video of the Paper Safe just over a week ago and already it has had almost 100,000 views! Okay, so its not Kony2012 but it is easily my most/fasted viewed video. Check it out at the link below. If you are a member you can download the parts file for free and join in the fun at home. None members can download the file for £2.50


RI Complete CD Including Flip Face.
The ricomplete CD includes every model and every download from the website ready to load up and print out on your computer. There are special membsership discounts on the CD for members. Find out more here.

Flip Face Rack and Pinion! New!

Flip Face! Pull one hand for a happy face, the other hand for a sad face. Members can download and make this rack and pinion powered model at the link. Non-members can download the parts for £2.50ukp


Becoming a member. 

Have you signed up for membership yet?

Members get free access to all the projects that are produced during their membership. With eight new downloads already in 2012 this is amazing value.
Standard Membership is now only $14.95 USD / £9.95 UKP yearly. Membership Plus is amazing value at only $ 44.95 USD / £29.95 UKP yearly.

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Broughton Moor
t. 01900 814333