Flexiphant: Printed Kit, Cut-out and Make.
New on the Flying Pig website, the Flexiphant comes as a printed booklet ready for you to cut out and make. The perfect gift for the crafty and the curious the Fexiphant uses an ingenious technique to animate the trunk when her tail is pulled. Check out the website to see the Flexiphant in animated action.
Order yours here…
Table Top Wars
I’m delighted to announce that my Tabletop Wars books are finally available to purchase. I have linked to the the UK Amazon site below with a link to the US site on the second line. I have received my author copies and I’m thrilled with how they have come out. There are four books in the series each showing how you can make all types of tabletop battle equipment from siege engines to trebuchets, from catapults to draw bridges all with a few simple tools and materials you can find around the home. Hurry along to Amazon to purchase your copy now!
Runaway Rabbit
Keep checking back at the robives.com website to see how the new Runawat Rabbit model is progressing. It should be fun!
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Flying Pig Website!
Flying Pig is is your source for my printed paper kits and books. I’ve updated the shipping to give free shipping on orders over £20 (six kits) as well as cheaper shipping on smaller order in the UK. I’ve also added an account system so you can store your delivery address and keep a record of your orders. Check out the website by clicking on the link below. See you there!
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Patreon and Membership
There are two main ways to support www.robives.com and get access to the downloadable models, you can become a member or you can be a patron.
Thanks very much to all the patrons and members that are already supporting me. I really appreciate it!
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Some recent of the paper projects available for members to download for free.
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