Hopping Reindeer: Download and Make!Two new models added together to make a third model in the form of this delightful mash up automata! The hopping reindeer is a combination of the Three Cam and Gear as well as the Reindeer and Tree models. The Hopping Reindeer project contains all the parts to make up the model. As a member you can download all the parts for free from the link on the website. Have fun!
Patreon and MembershipThere are two main ways to support www.robives.com and get access to the downloadable models, you can become a member or you can be a patron. I've recently updated the way the Patreon patron system works – rather than payment per model I've switched to payment per month, that way it is easy to know exactly how much your support will cost. I hope that helps! Thanks very much to all the patrons that are already supporting me. I eally appreciate your support. Become a Patron | Sign up for Membership Some recent of the paper projects available for patrons and members to download for free.
Become a Member of robives.com.• Download dozens of amazing paper projects for free. From only $14.95 / €11.95 / £9.95 a year! What a fantastic bargain! Become a member of robives.com now! |
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