Patreon! A New Way to be a Member of
I like to make it as easy as possible to become a member of and to join in the fun of making all the animated paper models. To that end, as well as memberships, the ricomplete download or individual downloads I'm pleased to announce that I have set up a Patreon page
How it Works.
As a patron you choose how much you would like to pledge for each of the models I design. You can change the amount whenever you want and you can cancel at any time.
I usually produce between two and four new models per month. As a patron you can set a monthly maximum pledge so that you never go above your budget.
Your Rewards.
As a patron you will be able to download the file of the parts and instructions so you can print out and make each of the models that I design. There are loads of different extra rewards for different levels of support – you can see them on the Patreon site
Click here and get started now!