Twitch Mouse – Download & Make

Turn the handle and the Twitch Mouse twitches his cute little nose whilst sniffing for cheese.

Members can download this model for free from the site – thanks for signing up!
Check out the website to download the model and see the YouTube clip.

The Twitch Mouse model is based around the Cam Box, one of my Essential Mechanism projects. Essential Mechanisms are paper projects that you can download and make. Each one is based around a paper engineering mechanism including cams and cranks, gears and levers. They can be made as starting points for your own character based models, like I have done with the Twitch Mouse, or as an exercise in pure mechanism.
All of the Essential Mechanism models are free for all paid members to download. Here are just a few of the growing range of Essential Mechanisms already on the website. How will you use yours?

Cam Box Scotch Yoke Worm Gear Double Crank

Check out the rest of the Essential Mechanisms here.

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t. 01900 814333