Two Cam T. Rex models to be won!

I have the two made up T.Rex projects that I used for photography looking for new homes. Here's how to win one of them.

New Members:
To enter, sign up for either a standard membership or membership plus (details below) then drop me a line or leave a comment here and let me know you'd like a chance to win one of them. I'll choose a name out of a hat at the end of the month. Good luck!

Already a member?
If you are a current member, don't panic, you can still have a chance to win! Drop me an email or leave a comment here saying that you'd like to enter and I'll pick a name from another hat at the end of the month.

Good luck everyone!

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  • Half price on all the project collections.
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  • ALL the downloads, free!
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Broughton Moor
t. 01900 814333