Adjustable Crank Slider to Download and Make.

The crank slider is a mechanism at the heart of many of my paper animation kits. When I'm designing new models I often have to vary the geometry to get the movement that I'm after. This model allows you to change the distance between the crank and the slider to see how the movement is changed. If you are a member you can download the files at the end of the blog post.  

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Simple Crank Slider Model to Download for Free.

I'm in the process of updating the mechanisms section of the website. As part of the process I'll be producing some free to download basic models – the first one I've released is this simple crank slider in a box. Use this as a starting point for your own designs.

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30% discount, reprise!

I've had a few emails asking about the 30% discount I ran recently. They flattered my ego by saying nice things about the website and my models then asking if I'll be running the discount again because they only just found out about it. With that in mind, I'm running the discount again – for two weeks. 30% of shop items and ebooks until 14th October. Flattery will get you everywhere!
Logic Goats: £8.00 £5.60
Mechanisms Download: £9.95 £6.96
Paper Locksmith Collection £6.00 £4.20
Cardboard Engineering Source Book £19.95 £13.97


Membership: Supporting

I hope that you enjoy the paper engineering projects on the website. If you do, I hope you'll consider supporting me by becoming a member. For just £3 a month you get free access to all sorts of exclusive member's content from quick craft projects to complete animated paper models. You can also sign up for a full year and receive a full month membership for free.
Visit the Membership page for more details and to sign up. Thank you to the hundreds of people who have already become members, I couldn't do this without you!

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Broughton Moor
t. 01900 814333