Two New Downloads: Universal Joint and Free Swanee Whistle

My apologies for sending out a newsletter sooner than usual but I have two new projects to download and make!

The Swanee whistle, free for everone to download. A quick and easy paper project, make this working swanee whistle, move the slider in and out to change the pitch. Clangers anyone!?

Universal joint, a paper mechanism for you to download and make. The universal joint is a mechanism used to add a flexible joint into a drive shaft. Real paper engineering!

Cardboard Engineering Source Book!

I've been delighted with the response to the downloadable source book. Thank you to everyone who has bought a copy!

This 55 page ebook is aimed at people who teach and people who want to learn!

The book centres around ten extendable cardboard engineering projects which introduce many mechanisms, from simple cams to crank sliders and swash plate.

Check it out.

If you would prefer a printed version it is available at the Flying Pig website.



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