![]() At the request of a number of visitors I've updated the shop so that it takes credit cards. You can still pay with PayPal if you wish. None UK visitors can still order from the shop with no difficulty. The prices are listed in Pounds Sterling but the payment gateway takes care of currency conversions quickly and easily and without commission. For example if you are ordering a £2.50 model from the USA you'll pay approx. $3.80, and it will all go though automatically! USEFUL LINK: |
![]() My YouTube channel has just topped 100000 views! Check out the link below, see if there are any videos that you haven't seen yet and leave me a nice comment 🙂 USEFUL LINK: |
![]() Following hot on the heals of the pneumatic mushroom model I present, for your delight and edification, the Pneumatic Giraffe! The Pneumatic Giraffe! An air powered model to download, print out and make. The finished model is a simple wooden crate marked with the words. "Warning! Wild Animal" All looks perfectly normal until you blow in the air hole on the side of the great when, Woooshhh! A Giraffe flies up out of the crate to see what on earth is going on! USEFUL LINK: |
![]() A 55 page ebook aimed at people who teach and people who want to learn! The book centres around ten extendable cardboard engineering projects which introduce many mechanisms, from simple cams to crank sliders and swash plate.